About ManaGlobal final conference

Our knowledge of companies in Africa and the Arab world remains limited. A vast field of empirical studies remains largely unexplored. This lack of locally rooted research based on a precise study of business behaviour has implications for entrepreneurship education in these countries, which the ManaGlobal project aims to address.

This project aimed to compare local versus global in theory and practice of management. The three main outcomes of the ManaGlobal project are:

  • The production of case studies that have analysed and documented the experiences of enterprises before, during and aft er COVID 19.
  • The confirmation that doing business and the practice of management in African and Arab countries are influenced by the local cultures but they are not culture specific because of the increasing effects of globalisation of business (i . the presence of MNCs), the domination of western management education, politics, etc.
  • The realisation that African/Arab enterprises are not as bad as described in the post and new colonial literature and that the concept of development is ins ignificant because all countries are developing at different levels.

This conference should reflect on the extent to which the relationship between local and global factors that affect the process of doing business and management in African and Arab countries is researched empirically and understood. It also has to address the objectives of the project and the extent to which they have been met. We invite all participants to present their works during this final conference in relation to the three outcomes stated above. All contributions to this knowledge are welcome, whether it stems directly from the ManaGlobal research project or from other initiatives, whatever the discipline of reference (economic history, economic sociology, development economics, economic geography, management sciences).






Description of the project


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